Commitment to Quality
Skyform Group service
It is the policy of the Skyform Group to provide its customers with a service that fulfils their specified requirements.
The following principles are applied throughout the company:
Full commitment to improving customer service.
Full commitment to improving the customer satisfaction level by inviting comment through our customer questionnaires. Our primary target is for our customers to complete the current customer survey. When this has been completed and evaluated we will set the working target for next year and review quality objectives at each management review meeting.
Full commitment of all personnel to active involvement in making improvements.
Full commitment to promoting wherever possible the re-cycling of old materials.
Full commitment to promoting Equal Opportunities to all employees and providing on-going training and development of staff.
Full understanding by all employees, of long term importance of achieving customer satisfaction and their role in ensuring that their failure to meet standards will lead to the company failing to meet customer standards.
An appreciation that a consistent quality service can only be achieved by ensuring control at each stage of service delivery, with the ultimate aim of achieving “Zero Defects.”
BS/EN/ISO 9001
A companywide Quality System is in operation which is designed to comply with the requirements of BS/EN/ISO 9001:2015.
The ISO system defines the commitments of the company, and the complementary Quality Procedures and Method Statements detail the methods that are employed to ensure Customer Satisfaction