Health and Safety Policy


All Health and Safety Policies are communicated to all staff members during the initial safety inductions held for all employees by the HSEQ Manager.

All site operations and offices have the current polices and communications boards in all staff meeting rooms and welfare cribs, the communications boards informs all personnel of any issues or other events that may affect their working areas.

As per our BS OHSAS 18001 Management System 1.1.7 Consultation, Communication and Reporting Employees shall be consulted on HSE issues through company and site inductions as well as weekly tool box talks (SKY-HSE-F11) and safety meetings. This consultation shall be documented and recorded by the appropriate staff and shall be made available to interested parties. The company shall ensure that the appropriate level of skill, competency or training is available to staff involved with HSE management issues.


All communication meetings and reports are submitted to our HSEQ Manager and also the relevant Project Management Group members for comment. The communication reports are then placed within the Safety Management system and filled.

Externally we are audited once every month by Safety Scotland who reports back directly to the Managing Director. This is to ensure that all systems including all site communications are correct and in place as per our Safety Management Systems and Construction Safety Phase Plans.

Health and Safety Policy Statement

Our statement of general policy is:

  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities.

  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.

  • To provide and maintain a safe plant and safe system of work.

  • To make arrangements for ensuring the safe use and means of handling, storage and transport of articles and substances.

  • To provide information, instruction, training and supervision (competent employees).

  • To provide and maintain safe access to and egress from the workplace.

  • To provide and maintain a safe working environment and adequate welfare facilities.

  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks and to give them adequate training.

  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill-health.

  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

  • To review and revise the policy as necessary at regular intervals to ensure its continued suitability to our activities.

  • To comply with current applicable OH&S legislation; and

  • To make continual improvements in the implementation of its management systems.

In fulfilment of the company’s moral and legal responsibilities, the company is determined to take all practical measures to ensure:

  • The safety, health and welfare of all its employees and

  • The safety, health and welfare of all others who may be affected by its activities.