
Policy Statement

Skyform Specialist Contracts Division is fully committed to ensuring that all employees have the relevant knowledge, skills and expertise to perform their work to consistently high standards and to achieve their full potential. We recognise that the training and development of our employees is fundamental to the improvement of our operational performance and the achievement of company strategy and goals. Skyform Group will therefore strive to make training and development an integral part of our operations and to follow a continuous process of appraisal, training and development.


This policy applies to all employees of Skyform Specialist Contracts, Wind & ECO Division. The policy applies equally to all employees irrespective of their employment status, function, grade or location.

In accordance with the company’s Equal Opportunities Policy, all employees are treated equally in the provision of training and development opportunities and are provided with equal access to training and development opportunities relevant to their needs.


It is the responsibility of the Managing Director to:

  • identify and consider training and development as an integral part of the strategic planning process;

  • provide adequate resources for training and development across the company;

  • evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of training and development; and

  • Monitor the efficiency and effectiveness of this policy.

It is the responsibility of Senior Contracts Manager to:

  • ensure that the training and development needs of all employees are assessed and provided for in accordance with this policy; and

  • Agree and provide appropriate and cost effective training and development solutions.

All employees are responsible for:

  • Identifying their own training and development needs and bringing these to the attention of their appointed Site Supervisor.

  • undertaking training and development activities which will enable them to perform their work efficiently and effectively; and

  • Managing their own learning and professional updating.

  • take reasonable care of their own safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts (what they do) or their omissions (what they fail to do)

  • Have a duty to co-operate with reasonable demands placed on them by their employer in their attempts to comply with their legal duties;

  • Have a duty not to misuse anything provided by you for their health and safety

  • Have a duty to bring to your attention anything they feel could affect health and safety and about which you may not be aware.

Review and Monitoring

Overall responsibility for the operation of this policy lies with the Senior Contracts Manager. The effectiveness of the policy will be monitored by our Managing Director.

Training and Development Needs

Training and development will be provided only where needs exist. Our Senior Contracts Manager will identify the training needs of their employees. Training and development needs, once identified will be collated centrally and priorities assessed. All training and development activities must be approved in writing, in advance by a Company Director. Attendance on external training and development courses, including day release courses, requires further written approval, in advance, by a Company Director.

Budgetary Control

The Financial Director will determine the annual budget available and formulate a strategy for the deployment and expenditure of available resources.


All new entrants to the company will receive appropriate induction training. Staff transferring within the company will be provided with an appropriate local induction, which will include the identification of appropriate training and development needs.

Health and Safety Training

All employees will be given adequate health and safety training, including information on emergency procedures, before they start work. The need for health and safety training will be reassessed on a regular basis and in particular when there has been a change in operating procedures. Retraining and/or refresher training will be provided whenever necessary.

Evaluating Training & Development

All training and development activities will be evaluated. At company level, the Senior Contracts Manager will be responsible for evaluating all training and development activities against the company’s strategy and goals on an annual basis.

At local level, appointed Site Supervisors will validate and evaluate training and development activities on an ongoing basis, to ensure their relevance, added value and best practice.